News of the children's health


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Monday 18 April 2016

How to identify signs of serious diseases

How to identify signs of serious diseases

If your child suffers from a serious disease, it is important to get medical attention as soon as possible.
Must deal with the following symptoms seriously always:
• sharp cry, or continuous Owaldaev
• lack of response, Ooankhvad activity or increased state Alaratme shuffler
• bulging fontanelle, when children (soft area of ​​the baby's head)
• stiff neck (in children)
• Not drinking for more than eight hours (eating solid food is not that important)
• Children who have a high degree of temperature did not exceed the age of three months to more than 38 degrees Celsius, or more than 39 degrees Celsius for children aged from three to six months
• High temperatures Kmtravqh with chilled in the feet and hands
• High temperatures concurrent with calm and lethargy
• convulsive seizures, or violent or sudden heart disorders
• cyanosis, or yellowing of excess facial, or the appearance of spots or pallor
• difficulty in breathing, rapid Owaltnevs, snoring during breathing, or if your child had difficulty breathing, for example, swallow their stomachs under the ribs
• feeling sleepy your children are unusual, or difficult to wake up or not even recognize you
• your child's inability to stay awake even when wake them up
• A rash is a red purple spots anywhere in the body of the child (this may be a sign of meningitis)
• Continuous vomiting or vomit-stained yellow (or green)
It is difficult to know when you call an ambulance or go to an accident and emergency, but used the following as a guide.
Called for an ambulance when your children:
• Apnea
• if any difficulty in breathing (you may have noticed Aptlaa under the rib cage)
• When not awareness or lack of awareness of what is happening
• Do not wake up
• When exposed to a bout for the first time, even if they started to recover
Take your children to the Accident and Emergency Unit, in the event of:
• contracting the fever or lethargic continuously, despite eating paracetamol or ibuprofen
• if any difficulty in breathing (or when Owallhat rapid breathing, or breathing Besver)
• have severe abdominal pain
• When not stop bleeding wound, or when openness is widely
• When there is injury to the foot or arm so that the party can not be used
• In case of ingestion of poison or pills
Above all, trust Bhdskm. You know what it looks your children more than anyone else, so Stlhzawn what is different or worrying.
Identify signs of infection disease, type 1 diabetes
The type 1 diabetes is a disease long-term health condition affecting children and adults Alsgaraly commonly. And it can not be prevented or cured, and be very quick start. And it can appear at any age, starting from the age of six months onwards.
Type 1 diabetes disease occurs when the pancreas fails making insulin hormone necessary to control glucose levels in the blood. Without insulin, glucose levels in the blood rise dangerously and can cause severe disease.
You can also avoid this severe illness that has been alert to in the early stages.
The main symptoms are:
• drinking too much and feeling excessively thirsty.
• urinating a lot, and can be wet diapers to fully be a sign of increased urine production.
• wetting the bed after that was pre-Java
• Weight loss
Other symptoms include:
• breathing with the smell Alvakeah

• lethargy (tiredness)

• Headache

• Aalamsak

• abdominal pain

• Vomiting

• castles pudendal

It is necessary to diagnose diabetes type 1 disease as soon as possible to begin to deal with it. And if you think that your child is suffering from symptoms, contact your doctor to Alfor.oan not pay attention to it in the early stages of diabetic ketoacidosis may appear.

Diabetic ketoacidosis

The diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious life-threatening disease can appear in conjunction with the type 1 diabetes disease it appears when there is little insulin so that glucose can not work as an energy source and the body begins to burn fat instead. It starts "ketones" that makes it very acidic blood production. Can acidosis diabetic ketoacidosis always prove to be fatal and requires urgent medical attention. Symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis include:

• Vomiting

• deep breathing, Almtooh

• Low level of awareness

• abdominal pain

The above symptoms will not develop at all children. And develop some of these symptoms, you get medical help quickly.

Identifying rashes signs

Forms of skin rash vary depending on the people. Colors spots may vary and may be less easy to distinguish them on the skin Aldaknh.and doubt, verified this with your doctor or health visitor or pharmacist.

Identify signs of meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that surround the brain. It is a very serious disease, but if diagnosed and treated early, most children Seetmathlon to heal completely.

Interest has increased in recent years meningitis in children. There are several types of meningitis, and some of them can be prevented through vaccination. Look for Children's Vaccines for more information.

Early symptoms of meningitis are similar to a cold or flu may seem (fever, vomiting, irritability and insomnia). In any case, it can be for children with meningitis can turn into very dangerous patients with advanced level in hours, so be sure of your ability to recognize the signs of the disease.

The main symptoms of meningitis are:

• Fever (temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or more in children under three months of age, and 39 degrees Celsius or more in children between three and six months), vomiting, refusal to eat.

• coldness in hands and feet

• pale in the face, or skin discoloration, or cyanosis

• patterns of rapid or unusual breathing

• irritability, especially when pregnancy (may result from pain in the limbs or muscles)

• sharp cry, moan with conjugated

• shivering

• appearance of red or purple spots do not disappear after pressing (Arise tested the glass as shown below)

• Alaratme shuffler Owalkhmul, or sclerosis with convulsive movements.

• Children may get drowsy, or lack of response, or vacuum, or difficulty in waking

• stiff neck

• Swelling fontanelle (soft area of ​​Ras Child)

The above symptoms will not develop at all children. The development of some of these symptoms, especially red and purple spots, get medical help quickly.

Although not 't communicate with your doctor, or you do not Tzalon worried after talking to them, Take your children to the Accident and Emergency Department at the nearest hospital.

Glass test

If your child has red spots or purple Arise pressure along with clean drinking cup firmly on the rash area so that you can distinguish spots that have faded or lost color under pressure. The color has not changed, contact your doctor promptly.

You may be difficult to see this rash when dark skin. Therefore verified the existence of spots on your child's entire body. The lackluster showing in the regions as a relief hands, soles of the feet, abdomen, inside the eyelids, and on the roof of the mouth.

The discovery of eye cancer (retinal tumor)

It is a retinal tumor of rare cancers that affect the eyes of children under five years of age.

As a sign of retinal tumor is when the pupil seems strange in the eyes of your children - for example, an eye will reflect the white cat. This was noticed in the pictures in which the pupil sound red will look like because of the flash light, or in a dark room, or in artificial lighting lit room. Strabismus may be other symptoms, where the child's eye look in different directions.

It is possible that these signs appear as a result of things other than retinal tumor, but still you check with the help of a doctor immediately.

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Diarrhea and vomiting in children


Diarrhea and vomiting in children


Most infants have loose stools accidental. Stools have children who are breastfed softer stools children who rely on milk for children. Diarrhea is when your child comes out watery stools incomplete frequently.

It can be caused by diarrheal disease that may be associated with vomiting. This is called eosinophilic gastroenteritis (stomach virus). And it is usually caused by a virus, such as rotavirus virus. Most stomach germs are common in artificial feeding than breastfeeding.

If you became aware of your child with other family members or persons (for example, in the nursery) have the germ in the stomach, ask them to wash their hands using liquid soap in warm running water, and dry the hands, repeatedly. Keep clean toilets and wash towels frequently. For children who rely on artificial feeding, make sure that the bottles sterile very carefully.

Diarrhoea and vomiting in infants receiving more dangerous than in older children because infants can lose a lot of body fluids and suffer drought. May become Khmulin or irritable, and they have a dry mouth, skin and flabby, pale or speckled, become their eyes and Aakhm (the soft spot on the top of their heads) may become traumatized. If they have the drought they will not get out a lot of urine. They may lose their appetites and their hands and feet are cold. It may be difficult to know the amount of urine that when they are taken out of diarrhea.

If you hit your child's drought will need more fluids. You can buy oral rehydration fluids from your local pharmacy or pharmacist, or get a prescription from your doctor. Some brands (Dioralyte), (Electrolade) and (Rehidate).

Call your doctor or health supervisor in a hurry to ask for advice if your child came out stools Ashalaa six times or more during the past 24 hours, or if vomited three or more times during the past 24 hours. Consult an expert. If your child is sick (less responsive, overheated or does not come out a lot of urine), or if vomiting persists for more than one day, talk to your doctor immediately.

General tips:

• Give your child more Alsoail.oatt oral rehydration fluids between meals or after each watery stool.

• Do not stop giving your child Ahalib.oatth additional fluid as an addition to milk.

• Make sure that everyone in your family washes their hands regularly with soap and warm water to avoid the spread of the disease.

• Do not share towels.

• Do not take your child to swim in the pool for two weeks after the last diarrhea viewer.

Toddlers and older children

Some of the children aged between one and five years Brazza Lin come out, repeatedly, smelly may contain foods can be discerned, like carrots and Bazla.aadh, except it be these children are healthy and completely grow naturally, but the doctor could not find any reason So. And it knows this type of diarrhea diarrhea toddlers.
Contact your doctor if:

• Your child suffered from diarrhea and was vomiting at the same time

• your child has watery diarrhea, with the presence of blood in it, and continued for more than two or three days

• Your child suffered severe and persistent pain in the stomach.

Aside from that, no diarrhea is usually a cause for concern. Give your child plenty of clear beverages to replace fluids that have been lost, but give them food if they wanted just that.

Do not give them fruit juice or pumpkins, where it can cause diarrhea for these drinks.

Medicines can be dangerous anti-diarrhea, so not given it. It can help treat oral rehydration.

You can help your to prevent any spread of the infection through the use of towels for your child and remind everyone in the family wash his hands after using the toilet and before eating.

Do not redo your child to school or nursery until at least 48 hours after the last exhibitors from diarrhea or vomiting.

Do not allow children to swim in the pools for two weeks after the last diarrhea viewer.
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Questions and answers about children's teeth

Questions and answers about children's teeth

National search your kids to take care of their teeth from an early age has Tsaeidihm so to enjoy a problem-free life-long teeth.

You can establish good habits that will help your child avoid oral health problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Can I let my child deals with the candy?

Most children want candy, but you can help your to prevent problems by making sure they do not eat a lot and encourage them to be dealt with at a meal only. That way, your child additional acids caused by eating sweets between meals to avoid.

Try not evaluating giving candy or sweet drinks as rewards.

What is the best snacks to give it to my child?

The best snacks are fresh fruits and vegetables. Try tangerines, bananas, bits of sticks or option Aldzr.uchml Other good snacks, breadsticks, biscuits, rice cakes and plain popcorn.

Should I allow my child to eat soft drinks?

No. Drinks are carbonated contain acids that can affect a child's teeth port, making it thinner.

What are the best drinks for my child's teeth?

The best drinks for children over one year old are water or milk. Cow's milk is not suitable as a drink for your child until they reach 12 months of age.

Use whole milk (whole milk) from the age of 12 months to two years. You can milk the introduction of semi-skimmed milk from the age of two, as long as your child is eating and growing well for his age. Skim milk does not contain the adequacy of the fat, so it is not recommended for children under the age of five.

Fruit juices contain sugars and acids, so it is best taken with meals using only a straw to Cherbha.ama thirst of your child, it is better to give water to the brave taste sweet for drinks. Try to avoid giving babies fruit flavors 'baby juices', does not give them the feeding bottles.

Fruit juice is not suitable for children under six months.

Is it going to hurt my child's milk teeth at bedtime?

Water is the best drink to give him time to sleep, but if Oattiyta milk, Do not add anything to it. Usually it drinks containing chocolate flavored powder milk shake on the sugars, which can increase the risk of tooth decay if given time to sleep.

Are medicines sugarless best for my child's teeth?

Yeah. Always ask for sugar-free medicines and a male doctor about this if Oattiyta prescription for Teflk.ohma is especially important if your child is dealing with the drug over a long period.

When should my child abandonment feeding bottles?

Your child should begin to give up the bottle, and begin to use the cup at the age of six Ochehr.euenbga abandon feeding bottles perfectly in the first year because the nipples and nozzles encourage children to sucking for long periods, which means that drinks that cause tooth decay remains in contact with the teeth your child for a long time.

It is customized cups for children good teeth?

There is no need that the child uses a customized cups for children (to prevent sliding of fluid from the edges) Similar .fahi to bottle-feeding, because they require the child to the suction to make Taml.aad cup better nutrition as it does not contain valves and thus be liquid unrestricted flow. This means that children's learning is usually drinking instead of sucking.

Are you hurt a pacifier or finger sucking my baby's teeth?

No, but it is likely to become the decoder has warped. This is because the dental arch to leave space for Lhaah or thumb. It may also affect the safety of pronunciation.

Thumb-sucking or dolls will not cause permanent problems as long as the habit stop when changing your child's teeth, but it can be hard to give up the habit. Amenai your children to talk or issuance of votes while the thumb or a pacifier in their mouth, and Tgamsa pacifier in anything sweet taste like sugar or jam.

What is fluoride varnish?

It is a special coating used on the child's teeth to help protect them. It is through dental surgery or sometimes in schools. It is recommended for all children aged over three years to do with fluoride coating every six months. Talk to your doctor to see if your child will benefit from this additional protection.

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How weaken TVs, mobile phones, monitors children's bedrooms

How weaken TVs, mobile phones, monitors children's bedrooms

An opinion poll showed that the use of computers, mobile phones and TVs at night affects children sleep, and thus on their health, mood and performance in school.

Studies indicate that many children are deprived of sleep badly. One out of every three children between the ages of 12 to 16 slept only 4-7 hours a night, according to an opinion poll was carried out by the Advisory Board to sleep on 1,000 youths.

Children at this age need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night, and sleep experts say.

The researchers believe that the screens and other electronic devices are responsible, and they recommend put strict limits on the use of television sets, mobile phones or computers in the bedroom of the child during the evening.

He acknowledged the child out of every four children surveyed said they were more than once during the week, sleeping as they watched television, or and they listen to music or during other technical orientations.

Almost all the children of those polled (98.5%) have a mobile phone, music system or a TV set in their bedroom, almost two-thirds of this poll (65%) to have all these things.

The effects of lack of sleep

Dr Chris Oidtskoviski says sleep center in Edinburgh: No links between most teenagers get enough sleep and the feeling during the day.

He says that bad sleep impact on adolescent health is comparable to eating junk food frequently. "We are witnessing the emergence of junk sleep," he says.

"This sleep that not be a long and well as it should in order to feed the brain needs to do his job well in school."

Evidence shows that sleep at night is just as important to eat healthy and exercise Alotefal.oolik growth who do not get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese. This is because they tend to craving for sugary or starchy foods during the day to provide power to keep them awake.

Adequate sleep is the key if the child is easily wake up in the morning, and is alert and happy for most of the day, not angry.

Children seem younger who have been deprived of sleep Mtekry mood in the hyper activity, also demonstrate the need for continuous alert and a shortage of Turkaz.hzh symptoms can be mistaken for moderate proportion of the disorder hyperactivity in attention deficit.

Children need to sleep deeply

Professor Jim Horne from the relevant research center in sleep from Loughborough University and an expert in sleep Oz says that children who are going through puberty and adolescence period need to "sleep longer and deeper."

"It's a time when their brains are witnessing a major change,". "The brain is undergoing a major restructuring and renewal of brain tissue is important and sleep for this compensation."

"You can for a bad night sleep interfere with the child's tool and his behavior the next day. There is a stereotype among adolescents are so angry and rude foul, and the reason for this is sometimes a lack of sleep."

Peer pressure and social factors, including an increase in entertainment tools in the bedroom, all this increases the difficulty of good sleep for children.

"The bedrooms are changing from a place of comfort and tranquility to a place where a lot of things to keep children awake, such as computers and television," says Dr. Horne.

"Children often tend to take their phones to bed with them and begin to send text messages without the knowledge of the mother and father so."

"This distraction means that they are not in a relaxed state of good sleep, which affects their learning.

"I would put strict limits on the use of a night on the TV set, mobile phone or computer in their bedroom."
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How to treat lice for children

How to treat lice for children

The presence of head lice does not mean you are sloppy. Children affected by the infection is the most common, but anyone can have hair that is suffering from it.

Head lice is small insects live in human hair. These insects are very small (about the size of a sesame seed) and color brown-gray.

It has six legs, with the clutch at the end of every man. Use these claws to cling to hair, and continue life by biting the scalp and feeding on Dam.galba what causes the itching, but not always.

Female head lice lay eggs in sacs that hold Balharh. Head lice eggs hatch after seven to ten days.

If your child has head lice, you may be able to locate the remains of a small egg white in his hair. This is what

Called "nits". Some people also use the word "nit" refers to the "head lice."

After ten to fourteen days, the baby louse is able to reproduce itself.

Lice from the head moves to another when they are close to a person suffering Menh.alotefal are most at risk, because they are in direct contact with other children at school often.

However, no head lice to fly or jump, it is extremely rare to get head lice from a pillow or towel because it can not survive away from the human head for too long.

How to detect head lice

It can be difficult to detect head lice, even when the baby's head closely inspected.

If you believe that your child has head lice:

• Check your child's hair. The most common of the presence of head lice are places in the hair behind the ears and on the nape of the neck.

• If you still do not monitor any lice, comb baby's hair using a "comb lice" special. These combs are available in most

Pharmacies. It becomes easy to find head lice, where it is located out if you're combing your child's hair on a piece of white paper.

Learn more about how to detect head lice.

Treat head lice

It must be processed for head lice if any.

You must treat your child only in case of a district head lice, which confirms the living injury. Does not address the 'reserve' to the presence of lice.

Head lice difficult. You can not kill him by washing using regular shampoo or natural combing .alik kill him before its spread because it multiplies quickly.

Lose the entire family for head lice infestation if your child suffers from it. You will need to treat all the injured to get rid of it.

You can treat head lice by combing wet hair using a special comb, or by using lotions or sprays containing medicines and available without a prescription in pharmacies.

Learn more about the treatment of head lice.

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What is the number of hours of sleep needed by children?

What is the number of hours of sleep needed by children?

There is no magic number of hours of sleep needed by children of different age groups, but here's proof of the number of hours of sleep, which should be available.

Sleep is very important for the health of the child. Lack of sleep can cause hyperactivity in children and become troublesome and extreme behavior.

Here are some approximate figures based on the basis of age, as recommended by the Malpond clinic for sleeping babies:

A week

• During the day: 8 hours

• During the night: 8.5 hours

Four weeks with a

• During the day: 6.75 hours

• During the night: 8.75 hours

Three months is a

• During the day: 5 hours

• During the night: 10 hours

Six months with

• During the day: 4 hours

• During the night: 10 hours

Nine months is a

• During the day: 2.75 hours

• During the night: 11:25 hour

A twelve-month

• During the day: 2.5 hours

• During the night: 11.5 hours

Two year

• During the day: 1.25 hour

• During the night: 11.75 hours

Three years with

• During the day: one hour

• During the night: 11 hours


• During the night: 11.5 hours

The five-year

• During the night: 11 hours

A six-year

• During the night: 10.75 hours

A seven-year

• During the night: 10.5 hours


• During the night: 10:25 hours

A nine-year

• During the night: 10 hours

A decade

• During the night: 9.75 hours

With the eleven-year-old

• During the night: 9.5 hours

A twelve-year-old

• During the night: 9.25 hours

A thirteen-year-old

• During the night: 9.25 hours

Fourteen-year-old with

• During the night: 9 hours

Fifteen-year-old with

• During the night: 8.75 hours

A sixteen-year-old

• During the night: 8.5 hours
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How to help children with homework

How to help children with homework

Homework is an important part of your child's education and as a parent you can take steps to help them take advantage as much as possible.

It can be Taatnzim homework a source of tension. Here are three involved fathers are some tips that helped them.

Turn off the TV while doing homework

Amina says, with a 39-year-old, the mother of two children Iammarhma 8 and 12 years old, "the best thing I've done is to ban the use of television and computer from Monday to Thursday."

She adds, "Before I do this, my son was little always escapes to watch cartoons. This option is no longer available now, and became complete homework easier. It is interesting that the targeted school also believes that this is the best policy. She said she frequently notes a significant improvement in mood and overall performance of children who have this ban

Partial. "

Your children do not help in homework

Farah, 39, a mother of twin 8-year-old says, "Do not be put marks on what you can do." She adds, "I know some people who are practically household duties of their children, but what use is that? This is not a competition."

Dr. Susan Hallam of Education Institute also advises to provide moral support, but does not provide assistance only when required by your child.

Let your child does homework while still alert

Says Ahmed, the father of a seven-year-old, "the golden rule with a child aged seven years is the completion of homework as soon as he returned from school, and before tea." Adding that "the level of interest is deteriorating very quickly after tea to anything else that Barbie is not on site."

Laila compatibility opinion. "Some kids need a little break as soon as they return from school, but if the longer the break, they will be very tired and can not concentrate."

Advice on homework: Use a timer

Laila says, "If you have one of these children who hesitates too much about doing household duties, where he sharpens all Aqlamh lead, standing and sitting a few times, or read all the previous homework, may help in some cases, temporary use."

She adds: "If the school recommends 20 minutes every night, if it set for 20 minutes and say they limit. But this can lead to counterproductive results in some cases and cause hysteria, so stay alert and cautious."

Tell your children that you are on their side

Says Leila, "I find that when children complain bitterly, it is helpful to sympathize with them," .otadhav "I really sympathize with them because of the large number of homework, and help them to know I am on their side. But at the same time I feel like I need to insist that carry them, so it is a process Balance".
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