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Monday, 18 April 2016

Questions and answers about children's teeth

Questions and answers about children's teeth

National search your kids to take care of their teeth from an early age has Tsaeidihm so to enjoy a problem-free life-long teeth.

You can establish good habits that will help your child avoid oral health problems, such as tooth decay and gum disease.

Can I let my child deals with the candy?

Most children want candy, but you can help your to prevent problems by making sure they do not eat a lot and encourage them to be dealt with at a meal only. That way, your child additional acids caused by eating sweets between meals to avoid.

Try not evaluating giving candy or sweet drinks as rewards.

What is the best snacks to give it to my child?

The best snacks are fresh fruits and vegetables. Try tangerines, bananas, bits of sticks or option Aldzr.uchml Other good snacks, breadsticks, biscuits, rice cakes and plain popcorn.

Should I allow my child to eat soft drinks?

No. Drinks are carbonated contain acids that can affect a child's teeth port, making it thinner.

What are the best drinks for my child's teeth?

The best drinks for children over one year old are water or milk. Cow's milk is not suitable as a drink for your child until they reach 12 months of age.

Use whole milk (whole milk) from the age of 12 months to two years. You can milk the introduction of semi-skimmed milk from the age of two, as long as your child is eating and growing well for his age. Skim milk does not contain the adequacy of the fat, so it is not recommended for children under the age of five.

Fruit juices contain sugars and acids, so it is best taken with meals using only a straw to Cherbha.ama thirst of your child, it is better to give water to the brave taste sweet for drinks. Try to avoid giving babies fruit flavors 'baby juices', does not give them the feeding bottles.

Fruit juice is not suitable for children under six months.

Is it going to hurt my child's milk teeth at bedtime?

Water is the best drink to give him time to sleep, but if Oattiyta milk, Do not add anything to it. Usually it drinks containing chocolate flavored powder milk shake on the sugars, which can increase the risk of tooth decay if given time to sleep.

Are medicines sugarless best for my child's teeth?

Yeah. Always ask for sugar-free medicines and a male doctor about this if Oattiyta prescription for Teflk.ohma is especially important if your child is dealing with the drug over a long period.

When should my child abandonment feeding bottles?

Your child should begin to give up the bottle, and begin to use the cup at the age of six Ochehr.euenbga abandon feeding bottles perfectly in the first year because the nipples and nozzles encourage children to sucking for long periods, which means that drinks that cause tooth decay remains in contact with the teeth your child for a long time.

It is customized cups for children good teeth?

There is no need that the child uses a customized cups for children (to prevent sliding of fluid from the edges) Similar .fahi to bottle-feeding, because they require the child to the suction to make Taml.aad cup better nutrition as it does not contain valves and thus be liquid unrestricted flow. This means that children's learning is usually drinking instead of sucking.

Are you hurt a pacifier or finger sucking my baby's teeth?

No, but it is likely to become the decoder has warped. This is because the dental arch to leave space for Lhaah or thumb. It may also affect the safety of pronunciation.

Thumb-sucking or dolls will not cause permanent problems as long as the habit stop when changing your child's teeth, but it can be hard to give up the habit. Amenai your children to talk or issuance of votes while the thumb or a pacifier in their mouth, and Tgamsa pacifier in anything sweet taste like sugar or jam.

What is fluoride varnish?

It is a special coating used on the child's teeth to help protect them. It is through dental surgery or sometimes in schools. It is recommended for all children aged over three years to do with fluoride coating every six months. Talk to your doctor to see if your child will benefit from this additional protection.

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