Learn headache children and how to cure
Give Dr. Anne MacGregor of the National Center for migraine headaches tips for parents on how to identify and treat headaches in children.
Most children and adolescents suffer from headaches once at least a year. Often different from adults headache, so it can be for parents and health care workers do not notice this problem.
According to Dr. MacGregor, tends headaches, including migraines, to be much shorter in children. Children headache begins suddenly, and soon the child becomes pale and tepid, and often feel the need to puke.
Children also generally improved more quickly. McGregor says, "can be a headache ends after half an hour and it becomes the child is okay to play out as if nothing had happened."
Dr. adds that headache children can Affect stomachs too, so abdominal pain is a common complaint.
Skipping lunch cause headaches
McGregor says, "From my experience, rarely children pretend headache". And she adds, "children who suffer from headaches often suffer from it in the event of skipping lunch or bottled in the case did not take any liquids each day, for example."
McGregor says, "The best way for parents to prevent their children from being exposed to a headache is to make sure they eat meals and drinks regularly, and they are getting enough sleep." She adds, "Give a child a good breakfast so that, even if they have crossed the lunch, they prepared for their day. It's also useful to the immortality of the children to sleep at a specific time each evening."
Read more about healthy eating, including five meals a healthy breakfast.
Learn the number of hours of sleep at night your child needs.
Read more about how children need to drink.
Sports cause headaches
Sports can lead to headaches children, perhaps because of dehydration and its effect on blood sugar. McGregor advises that "drinking a lot of water and sucking glucose tablets (available at drugstores and supermarkets) before and during exercise can help. It can snack mid-morning and the other in the middle of the afternoon, in addition to the main meals, would also help."
Headaches and emotional problems
It can be a headache as a result of emotional problems in some cases. He says Dr. McGregor "can headaches occur during times of stress, such as being bullied at school or because of concerns over the separation of their parents." Adding that "often the parents believed that their children are fine, and they are adapting in divorce and parents love the new partners. But in some cases, not be the child's fine and is expressed displeasure by headaches."
Know whether your child is suffering from depression.
Keep notes on headaches
Can be maintained on the observations of your child's useful headache. If your child is age appropriate, he can keep his remarks Acialh.hzh a good way to detect some of the specific causes headaches.
Keep a record of the times of occurrence of headaches. Also scored any event different from the normal routine or may be relevant. This can be skipped meal, physical activity, ensuring a late night or emotionally upsetting event, such as a stressful exam or an argument with friends or family.
Look at the notes with your child a few months later and note whether there is a pattern of stimuli that can cause headaches.
Once you've selected the possible causes, tell your child to avoid them separately over the next few months to see whether this will prevent headaches.
Particular headache for children Tips
Often simple steps will be enough to help your child through a bout of headaches or migraines.
• make it expands in a quiet, dark room.
• Place a damp and cold on his forehead or eyes cloth.
• encouraged him to breathe easily and deeply.
• Encourage him to sleep because this speeds up the healing process.
• encouraged him to eat or drink (but not drinks that contain caffeine).
If you think your child needs to painkillers, never giving him the medication as soon as possible after the start of a headache. Paracetamol and ibuprofen works well and is safe both for children who suffer headaches. And taking liquid medicines easier for children to eat tablets.
As with adults, most cases of headaches in children is not a serious health problem. And it can be treated at home with pharmaceutical treatments and avoided by making sure the child has access to enough food, drink and sleep.
It advises Dr. MacGregor not delay to consult a doctor or pharmacist if you are worried about your child's headache. Adding: "I would advise parents to seek help if you did not work or if the sedative effect of headaches on the child's school performance. It is important for these children to obtain confirmation of the safety of the doctor."
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